Properties: - Antibacterial specific - Antifungal - Antiviral powerful - Expectorant, mucolytic - Lipolytic (facilitates the elimination of fats), anti-cellulite - Cholagogue and choleretic (stimulates bile and pancreatic secretions, moderate high cholesterol) - Emmenagogue mimetic and estrogen (regulates the menstrual cycle and relieves disorders cycles and menopause) - Wound healing, prevents sweating and hot flashes, decreased salivary secretions Indications: - Flu, bronchitis, sinusitis - Viral meningitis, viral neuritis, herpes - Viral enteritis, renal bladder - Irregular and / or painful, pre-menopausal - Scars, keloid, healing problems, infections and skin problems, excessive sweating, cellulite External use: - In applications located in synergy with other oils for skin care - In a few drops friction, in synergy with other essential oils, on the lower abdomen and back for menstrual disorders - In a few drops friction, in synergy with other essential oils on the chest and upper back to prevent and help fight against infections ORL Precautions: Use with great caution due to its thujone content, neurotoxicant and abortive

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Organic sage - organic essential oil - 10 ml